Toy Libraries Australia is committed to promoting and protecting the best interests of children involved in its service, and to providing a child-safe and child-friendly environment for all children and young people who engage with the organisation. Toy Libraries Australia is committed to complying with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and state child safety standards to help protect children and young people from harm.
All children, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse. We have zero tolerance for child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our policies and procedures.
Everyone working at Toy Libraries Australia is responsible for the care and protection of the children using our services and reporting information about suspected child abuse.
Child protection is a shared responsibility between Toy Libraries Australia and all staff, contractors, volunteers, associates, and members of our community.
We will consider the opinions of children and use their opinions to develop child protection policies.
We respect all children and young people and support them to be safe, happy, and empowered.
We are committed to the cultural safety of children, and pay particular attention to the safety and cultural safety of the following groups of children, in recognition of their increased vulnerability, and diverse and unique identities and experiences:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people
children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
children living with a disability
children who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans
children who are intersex, non-binary or gender diverse
children in and out of home care and the youth justice system.
All Toy Libraries Australia's staff and volunteers are required to sign our Code of Conduct.
Toy Libraries Australia also provides templates and training to support our member toy libraries in implementing their own child safe practices. Members will find these documents on the member knowledge base.