Toy libraries are a great resource for maternal, child and family health nurses, allied health professionals, early years educators and their clients. Professionals can borrow play materials and equipment for use with their clients. Many toy libraries have special membership categories for professionals that allow you to borrow more items. For your clients, toy libraries provide a very cost effective way of accessing a wide range of quality toys.
Toy librarians are experienced in assisting families select appropriate toys for each child's interests and needs, and can help families based on your suggestions. Most toy libraries have significant discounts for health care card holders, with annual memberships at some toy libraries as low as $30 for concessions. Please contact your local toy library if you know a family who truly can not afford to join the toy library.
Toy libraries would like to develop mutually beneficial relationships with you. You can find your local not for profit toy library using our toy library locator. Please get in touch and find out how we can work together to strengthen our community through play.
Toy Libraries Australia has a range of posters describing appropriate toys for each developmental stage, as well as an introduction to toy libraries. Please download these posters and display them prominently.