The Australian toy library community gathered in front of screens around the country on Sunday 5 May to watch the annual virtual awards ceremony. All were eager to see which toy libraries and toy library heroes would take home the highest toy library awards for 2024.
A record number of nominations were received in the annual Australian Toy Library awards this year reflecting a huge amount of work, innovation and success experienced by many toy libraries in the last year. TLA President, Dr Renae Barker reflected on the high quality of the nominations, stating that all nominees were truly worthy of winning the categories they were nominated in, however for each category there could be only one winner.
This year's award winners are
Rural and remote Toy Library of the Year- Sunraysia Toy Library
Metro Toy Library of the Year- Packenham & District Toy Library
Council Run Toy Library of the Year- City of Unley Toy Libraries
Excellence Award: Diversity and Inclusion- Bundaberg Disability Resource Centre and Toy Library
Excellence Award: Growth and Innovation- Canterbury Area Toy Library
Toy Librarian of the Year -Bec Brannigan, Maroondah Toy Library
Toy Library Committee Member of the Year- Esther Kerr, Bendigo Toy Library
Toy Library Community Volunteer of the Year- Leonie Knowles, Cubby House Toy Library
Toy Well Volunteer of the Year- Salwa Chowdhury, Davis Creek Toy Well Toy Library
TLA President’s Award- Kirsten Marran, Little Buddies
We congratulate and thank all of the winners of this year's awards.
Keep your eyes posted on our Facebook page in the coming weeks as we feature these winners. The stories of their contributions to their local families and communities are sure to inspire and warm the heart.