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More awesome support coming to toy libraries.

Updated: Aug 29

Young child in a green shirt smiles at the camera while playing with colorful building blocks. In the background, two other children are also playing. Text reads: 'New program announced: Supporting families with disabilities to access toy libraries.'

Toy Libraries Australia have received a grant from the Australian Government through the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) - Social and Community Participation Grant Program. We're thrilled to be creating a program that will further support toy libraries in offering families with disabilities better access to our toys and resources.

This is a 2-year program that will develop three pilot projects in a selection of toy libraries across Australia. We begin by seeking to understand the barriers and facilitators to accessing toy libraries. We are conducting two research activities to gather information. Professor Christine Johnston will be leading the initial research phase by conducting a survey, focus groups, and interviews.

Toy libraries are already doing really important work in disability inclusion. This program will allow us to better support what is working, what we could do better, and to further explore how we can meet the needs of families with disabilities.

We are also excited to share that the team has recently been appointed. Zoe Houstein (Program Manager), and Michelle Loft and Melanie Douglas (Program Officers) have been chosen to work alongside toy libraries and community members to understand the accessibly needs of families with disabilities and how we can develop more accessible experiences together.

For further information contact:

Zoe Houstein, Program Manager,

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